Background Named for the town of Gilroy, California , the annual Gilroy Garlic Festiva l began in 1979 and is the town's top fundraiser. According to Wikipedia , then president of the local Gavilan College , visited a small town in France in which, as it called itself the "Garlic Capital of the World," hosted an annual garlic festival (potentially Beaumont-de-Lomagne or La Foire a l'ail Fume d'Arleux ). He brought the idea home, where the last-week-of July annual festival draws 80,000 - 100,000 people each year. If you neither live in Northern California nor are a garlic aficionado, then unfortunately you most likely learned about the Gilroy Garlic Festival in 2019 after a fatal domestic terrorist attack on its property. On its final day, shortly before closing, someone secretly entered the property wearing a bullet-proof vest, and armed with a WASR-10 semi-automatic rifle and 275 rounds. The gunman unleashed 39 rounds on festival-goers near an inflatable slide,...