The Journey to the Amazon A sudden drop in altitude and my head shot up from a deep sleep as the little Peruvian Airlines jet bounced along. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I looked out the window to find a never-ending expanse of deep green jungle canopy coated with a golden sheen left from sunrise. Through the dark twist was a chocolate brown serpent slithering through the foliage – the Amazon River. I was almost to my destination….. On Friday morning, as I secured my tie and jacket for our client’s final presentation, I casually leafed through my National Geographic guide to Peru, wondering what I would do with my new-found freedom that the academic half of my spring break was about to conclude. I came upon the “Iquitos” chapter, a sleepy town buried deep in the Amazon Jungle along the illusive river – and it dawned upon me: I never knew the Amazon Jungle came through northeastern Peru, very close to my current home base of Lima. I planted the seed in my head and let it carefu...